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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Java statefull callbacks

Any programmer comes to know callbacks at some point or another, in Java it looks something like this:

public interface Callback {
void doCall();

public class CallbackCosumer {
public void execute(final Callback callback){

// usage
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final CallbackConsumer consumer = new CallbackConsumer();
consumer.execute(new Callback() {
public void doCall() {
System.out.println("doing my callback thingy");

The biggest downside is that its hard to pass calling context state into the rigid callback interface, we could try something like:

public class CustomCallback <T> implements Callback {

private <T> state;

public void doCall() {

public void setState(<T> state) {
this.state = state;

Note that this implementation is limiting, the doCall method has to work for any type T, custom behavior will require sub classing (not reasonable expectation from the callback provider).
A somewhat better (the most elegant that iv found to date) solution is to take advantage of another interface:

public interface StatefullCallback<T> extends Callback{
void addState(T state);

// Now we have a custom state object
public static class CustomState {
// fields ..

// And usage with a type matching logic
public static void main(String[] args) {
final CallbackConsumer consumer = new CallbackConsumer();
final StatefullCallback<CustomState> callback=new StatefullCallback<CustomState>() {
private CustomState state;

public void addState(final CustomState state) {
this.state = state;

public void doCall() {
// some custom logic that uses the custom state object
callback.addState(new CustomState());

Its quite easy to see how its possible to pass multiple types of state objects into the callback execution context and do it with relative ease, closure-blessed languages require no such hacking.

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